⚡️Are you ready to fall in love with selling your offers and feeling confident throughout the sales conversation, while also feeling inspired, uplifted, and naturally joyous?
⚡️Have you had enough with clients who say they will sign the contract then ghost or never follow through?
⚡️Are you DONE with clients who enroll and pay but then turn around and blame you for their lackluster results?
⚡️Are you ready to move beyond sales that get the job done, to sales that actually provide a potent space for healing of your potential clients’ material as well as your own as the sales person?
⚡️Would you like to understand more of the science behind sales in an uplifting way that is also totally implementable with ease?
The Ethical Sales Masterclass Series
Transparency is the foundation of this series and therefore, I’m sharing the investment up front so you don’t need to scroll down to find it. 🔥It’s $27 🔥
You just need to sign up for a Thinkific account (unless you already have one) to gain access. There is no fee to view Day 3: “Why Ghosting Happens And How To Make It Stop!”
If you love Day 3, and I know you will, you’re going to want all 5 Days of trainings.
This series has recordings of 5 Days of 30 minute sessions that will have you feeling inspired to have your next sales conversation to practice what you learned in the sneak peak access: Day 3 training
When you purchase the series, you’ll understand how to navigate any aspect of the sales conversation with ease.
What does The Ethical Sales Masterclass Series include?
Welcome & Introduction Video
How to Sign Ideal Clients Who Thank You For Enrolling Them
Why You Get Nervous & How to Shift to Service & Inspiration (understanding the chemicals that flow in a sales conversation)
The 3 Epic Openings of an Ethical Sale
How to Close The Deal Without Coming Off as Pushy or Desperate
About this course
- $270.00
- 6 lessons
- 0 hours of video content
Day 1: How to Sign Ideal Clients Who Thank You For Enrolling Them
In the first session you’ll understand what it takes to sign ideal clients who rave about your services from the moment they sign the contract and pay the investment. Learn how to enroll clients who pay for your services with joy in their hearts and expressed gratitude.
Gain clarity on how to have a High Integrity, Ethical, & Joy-Filled Sales. You’ll understand how to structure your call and what to do in the sales conversation to have clients thanking you in massive gratitude actually are, why you need to practice all your sales conversations this way, and what happens when you don’t.
Day 2: Why You Get Nervous & How to Shift to Service & Inspiration
In Day 2 you’ll tap into the power of our human safety mechanism that causes nervousness, anxiety, and confusion.
You’ll understand logically what’s necessary to move beyond fear in your sales conversations. I’ll show you how to take the focus of yourself and shine it on your potential client in service of their vision with inspiration. And Day 2 offers a special teaching on how to tap into the high vibes in all of humanity to raise your own vibration and energy field.
Day 3: Why Ghosting Happens & How to Make it Stop (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC)
Get ready for an epic session to uncover the truth about ghosting and what you can do to stop it in its tracks in the sales conversation.
This session teaches you HOW to check to see if you have an ideal client for now, for later, or who might refer you to a potential client in the future because of how masterfully you guided the sales process. You’ll use a touch of neuroscience to learn how to intentionally activate a potential client with consent, kindness, and potency. Never sign a “maybe” client ever again with this process! You’ll enroll clients who are truly ALL IN.
If you love this training, you’ll want to purchase the whole Series. It’s intentionally made affordable at $27 so anyone who really wants to learn about ethical sales practices has access, NOW.
Day 4: The 3 Epic Openings of an Ethical Sale
After watching this session, you’ll have 3 incredible openings to any sales conversation that actually help you feel more confident, competent, and compassionate right from the start of the conversation.
And, I shared a bonus for sales people who feel a little nervous about opening the conversation. The bonus opening is a game changer in kindness for you to use when you need it most!
Day 5: How to Close The Deal Without Coming Off as Pushy or Desperate
In the final session in this epic series, you’ll learn what has people feeling like you’re being pushy, which phrases to avoid that are repelling to a potential client that makes them want to run. You’ll receive a deeper training on the three questions you must have every potential client answer with a YES in order for the sale to be ethical and the reasons why each question is necessary and in which order. You’ll also understand how your thoughts are impacting the sales conversation even if you don’t speak the words out loud. I’m teaching you how to be pushy with consent in a way that your clients will love & request that you do over and over. You’ll understand the 3 main reasons why you still push in a sales conversation and how to stop.
For only $27 you can own the 5 Day Ethical Sales Masterclass Series and watch it over and over.
Introducing Your Instructor:
Marla Mattenson
The Ethical Sales Masterclass Series is led by me, Marla Mattenson.
I’m an intimacy & sales expert. I’m so glad you’re here! My focus is bringing transparency, kindness, and potency to every sales conversation, while being yourself so you can experience the joy of selling. I’m primarily known for being an Intimacy Expert for Visionary Leaders and their partners. ❤️
In this Ethical Sales Masterclass Series, my focus is bringing transparency, kindness, and potency to every sales conversation, while being yourself so you can experience the joy of selling.
So why am I perfectly primed to teach you ethical, high-integrity, joy-filled sales?
You see, I’ve been a lover of humans, our patterns, & recognizing those patterns on subtle and overt levels for my whole life.
I’ve seen patterns that led to explosive drama in one scenario, alternatively lead to healing and renewal when activated from deep love.
In my younger years as a child, my natural abilities to recognize when one of my family members was even a little bit off (before any words were spoken) allowed me to harmonize and soothe so they wouldn’t be upset with me.
In other words, I learned to people-please, which is just another form of lying, and to deny my own feelings & needs in the hopes of my family being happier.
I learned to hide my joy, cover my creativity, & never share how I really felt because all of their needs and feelings were “bigger” and “more important” than mine (from a young child’s perspective).
Therefore, pattern recognition originally developed as a mechanism for emotional survival, control & safety in a family who didn’t quite know how to nourish me in ways I preferred or needed.
This pattern recognition mechanism led me to become a master at reading energetic cues, body language, facial expressions, and unspoken words. My early years in pattern recognition were all about manipulation for safety & security and over time I’ve chosen to unlearn the manipulation, defense, and intimidation and shifted into a student of INTIMACY.
Intimacy: The ability to be Unguarded & Receptive at the same time.
My love for patterns has grown into a delightful path studying the human body, becoming a bodyworker (massage therapist & healer), a doula (helping women through labor & delivery & post partum), and ultimately studying neuroscience & mathematics in my 30’s, earning degrees from UCLA & Claremont Graduate University.
Being an educator is in my veins, so I care about HOW you learn, too. Not just to present information to you, I want you to experience something different through this training.
As a high school math teacher for 7 years in Los Angeles Unified School District, I taught inner city, marginalized students, foster & gang kids (who didn’t want to learn math) how to love learning!
I found ways for the kids to learn probability & graphing by playing basketball from various locations on the court and measuring whole class data against the other classes.
I taught my AP Statistics students how to create their own casino style games using dice & cards to have a full on “Casino Night” where the teachers & adults on campus came to play their games with raw lima beans as “chips.”
Along the way I’ve practiced Vipassana meditation since 2003, and have been on a deep healing journey to get to know my true self free from others’ input or influence.
Something I have come to value immensely, my own inner knowing.
And this is also what I teach. How you can be in YOUR inner knowing, while being able to be a strong, flexible, resilient guide for others.
Because even with all that knowledge and love of learning, it wasn’t until I confronted my own way of being in my love relationship that opened my eyes. 👀
Prior to 2016, when I met my love, life & business partner, Julian, I had incredible intellectual understanding about relationships; very logical, intelligent, and helpful information.
Then the intellectual understanding became experiential, and that led to embodied understanding of what it really means to release all forms of intimidation in my life. Not just in sales in business. In every sale in life.
Every time we make a request of our partner, we are asking for the sale. Maybe no money is exchanged, but the flow of energy is definitely palpable when the “sale is made” or if the “sale is rejected.”
Sales is all about developing real relationships with people you genuinely care about, believe in, and are able to guide or support on their journey while receiving in exchange for your services.
So why do you want to learn advanced sales from me?
If you’ve gotten this far, I’m so truly honored. Thank you!!! Thank you for reading this. I wrote every single word. This free training is very important to me and I care about your results. So if this also helps for you to go ALL IN and invest your time, energy, attention and focus for 3 weeks with me, please read on.
The short end of my sales story is that I went from charging $95/hour for private coaching prior to 2014 to my current rate in 2022 of $36,000/month.
The internal shifts required to make that extreme transformation is something you also have inside of you already.
Whatever your patterns are of not being able to receive what you need and beyond to live your most epic life, I will help you seduce it out of hiding, reveal itself, and guide you to transform it, if you’ll allow me.
When you truly are an expert in your field, when you absolutely help clients get results that change their lives, and sales is still a challenge for you even a little, I invite you to join this sales training & rest, rejuvenate, refresh and return to the truth, YOU ARE WORTHY TO RECEIVE more than you need.
I’m grateful to work with my love, life, & business partner, Julian Colker, as we guide courageous couples spelunking through their respective lineage patterns to find the gnarls & twists that cause chaos, find the ones that link up & express in their lives, and teach them how to transmute those patterns into pleasure, joy & a potent raw fuel source for positive change. 🔥
Please join the Ethical Sales Revolution through enrolling in the $27 investment to learn Ethical Sales in this beautiful, potent 5 Day training.
It’s time for the Sales industry as a whole to change.
Here’s what most of us were taught in one way or another about the difference between manipulation and influence:
❌ Manipulation in sales is trying to get a client to purchase your offer because you think it’s best for them.
❌ Influence in sales is helping someone to purchase your offer because it’s what THEY really want, they are just too scared to say yes.
Here’s the thing… BOTH ARE INTIMIDATION.
Even influence is a subtle form of intimidation.
Somehow influencing people has become not only acceptable in sales, it’s honored. It’s revered.
Well, those of us who understand that when someone is nervous, scared, uncertain, AND they also want what you’re offering, the high integrity approach is to offer space. To allow them time to unfold the potential trauma that is being uncovered in order for them to be able to be clear, sovereign in their choice, free from influence, to be able to come back and say, “Yes, I’m in!”
The benefits of moving from this place of NO INTIMIDATION of any kind in sales is pure freedom as a sales person because you’re serving without influencing.
✅ It’s time for a revolution in the coaching industry around sales.
✅ It’s time for high integrity, ethical, joy-filled, honest sales.
Join the $27 Ethical Sales Masterclass Series today.
Still not sure? Enroll for free to receive Day 3 training complimentary to ensure you’re going to love this Series. If you love Day 3, you’ll love the entire training.
Welcome & Introduction Video
How to Sign Ideal Clients Who Thank You For Enrolling Them
Why You Get Nervous & How to Shift to Service & Inspiration (understanding the chemicals that flow in a sales conversation)
The 3 Epic Openings of an Ethical Sale
How to Close The Deal Without Coming Off as Pushy or Desperate
About this course
- $270.00
- 6 lessons
- 0 hours of video content